For each course agreed for assessment, you should provide:
- a completed Individual Course Details (F4) form for the course
- one copy of the promotional material for the course (e.g. information sheet, web or prospectus pages)
- one copy of all course materials normally supplied to the student, including copies of any supporting material, e.g. textbooks or discs
- a representative selection of student work in the form of between eight and twelve tutor marked assignments (TMAs) submitted by learners and marked by tutors. These should include the tutor’s comments and reflect,
o the full range of ability of students taking the course
o an average which reflects the average level of achievement of students
o students at different stages of the course
o the range of tutors used on the course.
Materials, or access to them, should be submitted online wherever possible. They can be inspected on-site, but for an extra fee.