A. The provider maintains and demonstrates a strong commitment to educational values.
B. The provider is financially responsible and can meet its obligations to learners.
C. The provider adopts widely accepted norms of good ethical business and employment practice.
D. Where the provision occurs in another country, the provider ensures adherence to all relevant legal requirements.
E. All staff and tutors are suitable for their positions, and possess appropriate qualifications and experience.
F. All tutor support is of high quality. Where a provider employs more than one tutor, steps are taken to ensure that tutor support is consistent throughout the provision.
G. Learner records are sufficient, accurately maintained and up to date. Learners’ concerns about the confidentiality of their records are respected.
H. Sufficient resources are available to ensure that every learner receives an adequate individual service.
I. The provider adheres to all ODLQC Standards in Open and Distance Learning, and complies with all reasonable requests made by the Council.
J. The provider is committed to continuous improvement.